


12th ICMC 2022

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Medals and Awards at the ICMC 2021
  1. BIMTECH – Stough Young Scholars Awards

    An award of Rs. 10,000 and a Certificate of Merit will be presented to a maximum of ten scholars under 40 years of age as on August 01, 2021 and in attendance at the conference as registered delegate for case presentation. Multiple eligible authors of the winning case will share the award.

  2. The Case Centre Best Cases Award
    • First Prize: 150 GBP
    • Runner up Prizes(2):100 GBP each
  3. Three SAGE Best Case Award (South Asian Perspective):Rs.10,000/-
Opportunities for Publication
  • Bloomsbury Publishing India
    • All accepted cases are published in two book Volume by BLOOMSBURY Publishing India with ISBN Books to be released on day of inaugural function of ICMC 2021. All registered delegates will get a copy.
  • South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases*
    • 30 % high quality cases are further invited for peer review and publication in South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases* and The Case Centre*

*subject to revision as per the concerned journal/publishing house guidelines.

About Conference

Every year BIMTECH, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida (NCR), INDIA, along with academic participation of other reputed institutes, organize the International Conference on Management Cases (ICMC) at BIMTECH. This year it will be the eleventh edition planned virtually.

BIMTECH, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida (NCR), India, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and University of South Florida are pleased to announce the International Conference on Management Cases 2022 (ICMC 2022) on December 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 4th December 2022.

ICMC 2022 invites stimulating original, unpublished, research/teaching cases, case studies, based on primary and/or secondary data, field studies, empirical data, or significant experience of learning in various facets of management. Imaginary cases are not welcome. ICMC aims at international relevance and encourages authors from all over the world to participate and share their experiences on a platform created for academicians, practitioners, consultants, research scholars, and students of management studies.

Birla Institute of Management Technology

BIMTECH, situated at Greater Noida in National Capital Region, was established in 1988 under the aegis of the Birla Academy of Art and Culture and is supported by B.K. Birla Group of companies. BIMTECH is engaged in delivering research, academic programmes at master’s and doctoral level, training and consulting to corporate and other organizations. BIMTECH has partnership with 40 foreign universities and organizations and is signatory of Responsible Business Education with PRME and UN Global Compact. It has been ranked in the top 10 private business schools of India and has come to be regarded as a premier institution to deliver quality education and impart values. There is a focus on fundamentals, respect for the individuals and a seriousness of purpose. This is reflected in various dimensions: interface with corporates, partnership with educational institutions of repute at international levels, building intellectual capabilities, initiatives in areas of societal concern, and strong cultural affinities.


Conference Patrons
Conference Co-Chairs
Conference Advisors:

Our Mentors

Conference Patrons

Criterion for Evaluation

  • Scholarly Relevance and originality: Does the subject of the paper appeal to the interests of the conference attendees?

  • Completeness of the work and Acknowledgement of the work of others – Does the paper/case is well organised with acknowledgment to recent researches?

  • Methodology: Does the paper use sound and appropriate method(s)? Originality: Does the paper add new findings, insights, or knowledge to the body of literature?

  • Research: Does the paper compare and weigh the material against the work of others?

  • Conclusions: Are the conclusions sound and justified?

  • Managerial Implications: Is the managerial relevance and implications of the decision problem demonstrated?

  • References: Are the references adequate?

Authors / Delegates

Who should attend
  • Faculty at undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels
  • Research scholars pursuing doctoral programs
  • Students pursuing postgraduate programs in management, provided one of the authors is their teacher and teacher also registers as a delegate and is present at the conference
  • Consultants
  • Associations, NGOs, NPOs, business houses
  • Practitioners, Executives, Entrepreneurs
  • Civil servants
  • Researchers/scientists engaged in research institutions
  • Self employed professionals
  • Social activists
  • Virtual or in-absentia submissions or non-presented cases will not be considered for publication and/or award.
Eligibility for the Case Submission
  • Only original, unpublished cases preferably related to real life events and situations are solicited by the conference. All cases will undergo blind peer review process.
  • The case should bear a clear focus on management issues and be built up generally as per Guidelines for the authors
  • Case Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • Full case should be no shorter than 1,000 and no longer than 7,000 words. Normal length is around 5000 words. It should be typed in A4 page setup with headings and text in Times New Roman 14 and 12 point type respectively.
  • At least one of the authors must have registered for inclusion of the case in the conference.
  • Virtual or in-absentia submissions or non-presented cases will not be considered for publication.
  • Both the Case Abstract  and the full Case should be submitted only on electronic mail in word file to [email protected]

Preferred Cases

Accounting and Finance,Organisation Performance

Appreciative Intelligence,Appreciative Inquiry

Corporate Governance, Societal expectations, Financial inclusion

Comparative studies (industry sectors, products, locations, geographic, demographic)

Entrepreneurship, New Product Development, Innovations

Globalization, Small Business

Human Resources Management, Organization Development

Knowledge Management,Technology Management.Technology Marketing

Management interventions,Management Practices

Management Science, Management Decision Making

Marketing,Branding,Customer Satisfaction,Tourism

NGOs, and NPOs ,Health Care Management

Operations and Logistics, Supply Chain Management

Public Sector Management


Submissions and Guidelines

To Register and Submit please click on

12th ICMC 2022 - Abstract Templates (Click Here)

12th ICMC 2022 solicits both teaching and non–teaching (research) cases. Both types carry a different structure, style of writing and purpose. The authors are required first to submit a case abstract, irrespective of the type of the case, to evaluate its compatibility with the aims of the conference.

For further details visit our Landing Page :

Awards at Conference

Medals and Awards at the ICMC 2021
BIMTECH – G D Sardana Young Scholars Awards

An award of Rs. 10,000 and a Certificate of Merit will be presented to a maximum of ten scholars under 40 years of age as on August 01, 2021 and in attendance at the conference as registered delegate for case presentation. Multiple eligible authors of the winning case will share the award.

The Case Centre Best Cases Award

First Prize: 150 GBP and Runner up Prizes (2): 100 GBP each

Three SAGE Case Awards (South Asian Perspective):Rs.10,000/- each, and certificates

Registration / Payment

REGISTER FOR: 12th Virtual ICMC 2022
Participant Type Registration Fee per Delegate GST Payment
Foreign Delegates USD 200 18% Pay Now
From SAARC Countries USD 100 18% Pay Now
Indian Delegates INR 3000 18% Pay Now
Workshop Topic: Developing case studies on social responsibility of resources industries
Workshop Date and Time: will Announce soon

REGISTER FOR: Case Master Development Workshops
(Free for 12th ICMC 2022 registered delegates)
Participant Type Registration Fee per Delegate Additional GST Payment
Foreign Delegates USD 20 18% Pay Now
Indian Delegates INR 1100 18% Pay Now